Alumni Legacy Scholarship
Did you know that your children can earn up to $4,000* through the Northwood Alumni Legacy Scholarships we offer? In addition to the Alumni Legacy Scholarships, Northwood awards over one million dollars every year in scholarship funds.
* Eligibility requirements and award amounts are subject to change.

Alumni Emails
Northwood University is excited to offer all of our alumni the use of the Northwood email system! You can manage your Northwood email account using the links below. Please note that email addresses are created automatically by a system that incorporates your name. We cannot accept special name requests.

Business Directory
The Northwood Alumni Business Directory is for alumni who own or manage businesses. If you want to promote and share what your business has to offer to other Northwood Alumni, this directory is for you. Below is a map of Northwood University alumni-owned or managed businesses around the country. Check it out and sign your business up today.